Understanding NPC Hostility in London Fallout






NPC hostility in London Fallout is often triggered by aggressive actions, faction reputation, or accidental attacks. To prevent unnecessary hostility, always be mindful of your choices and interactions within the game world.

Methods to Make NPCs Non-Hostile

  1. Holster Your Weapon – Many NPCs become less aggressive if you put your weapon away.
  2. Use Speech and Barter Skills – Engaging in diplomatic dialogue options can de-escalate situations.
  3. Change Your Faction Outfit – If hostility is due to faction affiliation, switching outfits may help.
  4. Wait or Leave the Area – Sometimes, hostility resets if you move away and return later.

Using Console Commands to Reset NPC Hostility

If NPCs remain hostile despite your efforts, you can use console commands (PC only):

  • Open the console (~ key).
  • Click on the hostile NPC.
  • Type: stopcombat and press Enter.
  • Type: setav aggression 0 to remove hostility.

By following these steps, you can turn NPCs non-hostile and continue your adventure in London Fallout without unnecessary conflicts.

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